National Diploma: Public Finance Management and Administration – NQF Level 5, ID No: 49554

The qualification will therefore enhance the ability of the qualifying learner as a public finance official to perform the necessary financial administration tasks expected as well as improve management abilities. In this way, the qualification enhances transferability of skills within different spheres of the public sector. At the same time, a learner will gain a firm foundation required for studies leading to qualifications registered at NQF levels 6 and 7. All these enhance transferability of skills between the private and public sector. With regard to the implementation of public financial management and administration reforms, the qualification serves, as a basis of an effective implementation process by defining and identifying those competencies required by technical public officials. The possession of relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes by technical public officials is crucial to the implementation of public sector financial management and administration reforms. Thus, the qualification contributes to the upliftment of the South African economy in line with the aims of existing skills development legislation through enhancing of skill levels of public sector employees.